Monday, February 22, 2010

Seven Months

We'll have to make do with another Valentine's Day photo today (his grandma calls this one the politician shot) because the poor little guy is sick getting him to pose for a photo sounds like torture to me.

I feel like he grew by leaps and bounds since last month. He is learning so many new is so fun for us to watch. Most notably...(psuedo) CRAWLING. He isn't yet consistent (or very good) at it, but he gets around the room pretty quickly. We can watch for hours as he gets on all fours...then rocks in preparation...then plunges and dives forward or better yet, takes a little hop on all fours. Beckham loves the ability it gives him to move all around the room accessing every little thing he can get his hands on. His favorite things to get into now are the baksets of dvd's on the tv stand and the power cords. Oh heavens!

Some new things happening this month:
*he is no longer content on his back during's on his tummy or sitting up now!
*makes a cute lip-smacking sound...usually when eating
*hates green beans! oh the funny faces he makes when we feed them to him!
*his favorite toys are not toys...but spoons, and power cords, and sweatshirt strings
*sort of reaches out for you to hold him
*drinks from a sippy cup
*got his first tooth!
*crawling (at least learning to)
*loves the playground swing! squeals with delight the entire hour he's in it


Melanie said...

cutest photo ever!!

erin said...
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erin said...

I agree... super cute little politician!! Adorable! Where do you get his cute ties? Do you make them? Oh, and that was me that deleted the last post... a few too many type-os! oops!

Chelsi said...

He is growing up so fast slaton is right behind him in all he's doing. That is a super cute photo. Love his tie!!

Dale & Lynn Leishman said...

Oh my, the REAl fun begins! With the crawling I mean!
Our next speaker of the house!Give him a few years!

daniel said...
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Mike and Colleen Speer said...

I am so glad you are great at writting all about your little man! He sounds so fun! He is lucky to have such a great Mom!