Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowmobiles and Christmas Trees

Saturday we took a short family trip up to the snow. It was only about an hour drive to Butte Meadows, where we parked the trailer and unloaded the sleds. I had not yet had the chance to ride the snowmobiles since my parents bought them a few years ago, and I really loved it. Not that that was any surprise. My family loves big toys!
My brother Justin and his littlest girl Gracie posing on the sled.
The older two of Justin's children had so much fun riding the snowmobiles with Grandpa. Cole wanted to go slower and Rylee wanted to go faster.
Me and Tiffany took a long ride by ourselves enjoying the back snowy roads.
We drove up into Christmas tree cutting area and h iked around to find the perfect tree. Then we chopped it down. Ok, so I wasn't much help in that department...just kind of supervised.

In case you can't tell behind the masks that's my brother, Cody, and me.
My niece Rylee and I made a snowman with Grandpa's help. Don't laugh at how pitifully small it wasn't good snowman snow. We had the hardest time getting the snow to pack together.
Brendon is still in Hong Kong so he missed out on the fun. But he arrives home tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited to have him home. Ten days is a long time to be without a husband.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Thank you for all of your congratulations and support. We are very excited. Brendon can't wait to be a Dad and I've always known Motherhood would be the most fulfilling role for me.

Due Date: July 17th. We have always wanted a July baby (4th of July is our favorite holiday), so we are so grateful it worked out so perfectly.

Gender: We aren't going to find out (I know! Call me crazy...but I LOVE surprises) so you'll have to wait until July to find out. Yes, we do realize this means we'll get lots of green and yellow stuff...but it's worth it. You are welcome to make your predictions...I find it very amusing and fun.

Pregnancy: So that makes me a little over 9 weeks along. I feel surprisingly great. I have had just a few episodes of nausea, but mostly just sluggishness and laziness. I am usually a pretty energetic person and lately I just don't feel like jumping out of bed and attacking my day like I used to.

p.s. We have had our girl name picked out since we got married, but I am struggling with boy names. My criteria is that names be somewhat rare with no risk of becoming trendy, but I don't want them to sound made up. If you come across any cool ones let me know.

Friday, December 12, 2008

First Comes Love...Then Comes Marriage

I think you know what comes next.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Far Far Away

Friday afternoon Brendon is leaving me to go on a required study trip here:

(Hong Kong)
Let's just say I'm a tad jealous!

Thursday, December 04, 2008


I love this necklace. Isn't it so precious?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Spontaneous, fun friend that Kayla is - she flew in from Vegas for Brooke's birthday party last night as a surprise. What a fun night we had talking and laughing and eating Indian food!


We spent Thanksgiving vacation at Brendon's family's home in Orem and it was quite a treat to get away for a few days. His mom had the vacation jam-packed with fun things to do like watching a Jazz game and a Messiah sing-a-long, and in between we did lots of laying around and eating. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if we didn't.