Monday, June 08, 2009

And So It Begins...

I dropped Brendon off at the airport this afternoon after he finished his second to last final (poor guy had to take the last final on the airplane). He is en route to NYC, where he will spend three days training for his internship this summer. After training he flies back to San Francisco where he will spend his summer interning for Goldman Sachs doing investment banking.

We are not sure how much we will see of each other this summer...investment bankers aren't known to have the best hours. But we have done ridiculously long hours before and survived...we can do it again. I will still be living in Palo Alto for the summer...close to my doctor and hospital. So it was a little hard to say goodbye today.

So the first year of business school is officially behind us...and today starts the summer that will change our lives. Only five and a half more weeks until Little Man Merkley joins us.


Rissa and Jared said...

congrats to bren for completing one year! so glad you can make it to the weddings and can't wait for the babe!

Jeri said...

We will be there to help this summer. Not to worry!

Melanie said...

so sad. wish I could come over and sew with you.

Mel T said...

Oh my heck! Is this Taryn from BYUH?! Don't know if you remember me..Mel Taua (the Hawaiian guy from Maui). I've been trying to track down Johnny Butterfield, googled his name, saw his name on blogger and then saw your name as well. Hope you guys are doing well. We live in the SF Bay Area and have 2 kids. Give my aloha to Johnny and hope to stay in contact with all of you.
Mel Taua

Candice said...

Hey Taryn - can't believe it's almost baby time for you - hope all is well! I used to nanny in CT for a Goldman partner, hope Brandon has a good time with his internship, what a great opportunity!