Tuesday, March 04, 2008

All In The Family

Last night we had the privilege to attend a campaign event for Brendon's cousin, Tim Fox, who is running for Attorney General in Montana. Lucky for us he hosted an event here in Washington, DC, so we got a chance to visit with him, hear his platform, and show him our support.

So all you Montanans (I know there actually are a few of you that read this)- don't forget to vote for Tim in the upcoming election!


Rissa and Jared said...

whew--a new post, I was getting nervous you'd given up on us for a while there! very cool about Tim. Go Tim go!

Amanda said...

You look darling in green, and what a cute belt. You make it seem so easy to look fabulous.

Mark Myrrissa said...

Count us in. We'll get everyone at work to vote for him too. The guys talk politics all the time. Love you guys. Myrrissa